Decoding Your Dog: Understanding Canine Body Language

If you live with a dog, you probably know that they exhibit some strange behaviors that pique our curiosity. Why do dogs circle before pooping? Dogs circle before they poop for several reasons. By spinning in circles before relieving themselves, your pup is making sure there are no predators, like snakes hiding in the grass. Going to the bathroom puts anyone in a vulnerable position, and if a dog is squatting, they cannot protect themselves from predators. To secure the area, dogs make a few circles.

How to Understand Dog’s Body Language

While surveying for any potential problems before they do their business, marking their territory is another reason why dogs circle before they eliminate them. Dogs have scent glands on their paws when they’re spinning and stepping all over the grass Before they do their business, they are actually leaving messages to other dogs There is another reason dog circle researchers have concluded that dogs prefer to poop along the earth’s north-south axis by spinning in circles.

Your pup is trying to find the perfect north-south direction Number nine, why do dogs pant more often than not? Dogs pant to cool themselves down; unlike humans, Dogs aren’t able to regulate their temperature using sweat so instead they pant to circulate cool air through their bodies and to evaporate water from the mouth and upper respiratory tract dogs may also pet when they’re feeling stressed or anxious You often see this type of behavior during visits to the vet, when you scold them and when fireworks

In these situations, panting is often accompanied by other signs of stress, like repetitive yawning whining lip-licking or hiding Interesting enough, panting is also a normal behavioral response when something exciting happens, like meeting new people or getting a treat. not only do dogs smell things out of curiosity they also taste and lick things to learn more about their surroundings When you see a dog licking another dog’s private parts, they are simply getting to know that other dog Some of the things they can discover about another canine are age overall health sexual readiness and even mood Dogs also lick each other’s genitals to practice good hygiene with their friend Remember, grooming is a sign of affection, and it indicates the two dogs are getting along and like each other. This behavior isn’t limited to just the privates of the other dog; a dog can choose to lick any part of another dog’s anatomy This practice is commonly referred to as dog social grooming

it is a pack behavior that dogs inherited from their wolf ancestors Number seven: Why do dogs sleep with open eyes? yep you heard that right Some dogs sleep with partially open eyes but make no mistake when a dog sleeps with open eyes what you are actually seeing is their third eyelid, rather than the surface of the eyeball dogs have a third eyelid that covers their eyeball when they sleep This pink-colored membrane sweeps away any dust or debris from the eyes and keeps the eyeball moist When your pooch is awake, that membrane retracts to the inner corner of the eye; however, you may still be able to see it from time to time some theories suggest that dogs evolve their third eyelid as a form of self-defense Sleeping while appearing to be awake tricks predators into thinking they’re still alert and ready to defend themselves. Why do dogs smell people’s crotches? dogs sniff people’s crotches for the same reasons they sniff each other’s bums The crotch area has a certain type of sweat glands called apocrine glands, which produce chemicals that convey

social information these chemicals are called pheromones Pheromones carry all sorts of information about the age health sex and mood of the individual When dogs smell a person’s crotch, they are trying to gain information about that person Interesting enough, people who have recently had sexual intercourse seem to attract this kind of attention from dogs Women who are menstruating, ovulating, or have recently given birth will also find dogs smelling their groin area; likewise, when a dog sniffs another dog’s,.

Behind them, they are trying to gain information about the other dog Dogs have glands in their rear end that release chemicals that tell a lot to other dogs Unneutered male dogs are particularly known for being avid sniffers when searching for a mate because they want to know if a female is pregnant or ovulating. Why do dogs expose their belly to you or other dogs more often than not? Belly-exposing behavior in dogs indicates trust and acceptance When your dog shows you their belly, it’s a sign that they feel safe around you and are not worried that you’ll sink your jaws into their stomach. But belly-exposing behavior can also mean something altogether different a dog may use this submissive display as a way to avoid confrontation in the wild Our canines wolf ancestors would adopt this submissive posture to diffuse social tension by showing that they’re not a

Threat: When a dog shows their belly to more dominant dogs or even a person, they may be anxious and are offering peace and a request to go easy on them You often see this appeasing behavior in puppies. Remember, petting a dog who’s showing submissive or appeasing behaviors can make the dog more nervous This is because you’re touching very vulnerable parts of their body To know if a belly-exposing behavior is out of trust or appeasement, look at a dog’s whole body Dogs who feel safe around you will show loose, wiggly body posture with relaxed, wagging tail In contrast, a dog who is showing submissive behavior will crouch freeze or show tense body language Number four: Why do dogs follow you everywhere? There are scientific reasons behind a dog’s clingy behavior During the process of domestication, humans bred dogs for companionship.

In fact, these sociable animals went from being wolves living in packs to dogs living with humans For this reason, it is easy to see why our furry friends like to follow our every move another reason your dog wants to stay close to your side is positive reinforcement if every time you are with your pup, they get affection or treats, they are likely to follow you around more often, and remember, young puppies who are less than six months old recognize you as a parent or other object of trust, and they imprint you as they would their mother Of course, a dog’s desire to follow us is also an expression of loyalty and love Number three is why some dogs display aggressive behaviors when they are on leash You’re starting to enjoy walking when your dog explodes and starts barking and lunging at other people or dogs.

Trainers call this problem leash reactivity and say it is a common behavioral problem, despite how it looks leash reactivity is often rooted in fear and insecurity Off-leash, a dog could run away On leash, a dog is trapped and has to act aggressively to protect himself. This is because the leash interrupts a dog’s biological flight response and doesn’t allow them to escape from the thing that’s upsetting them This is why many leash-reactive dogs can beautifully play with their four-legged friends in the park but on the leash they start frantically barking and lunging and remember, when dogs learn that displaying aggressive behavior works and deters a threat, they are likely to keep repeating the behavior Let’s say a dog is walking on leash and sees another dog coming down the path in his direction. He feels uncomfortable or perhaps afraid of that canine, so he lunges and barks as the other dog passes. As he acts aggressively, he perceives that the other dog is moving away.

Because of his behavior, even though it is the other owner who is moving them by in the dog’s mind, his actions were successful, and he’ll want to repeat this behavior. The second common reason for reactivity is frustration. Some dogs pull and bark on leashes when they want to play with another dog. Number two, why do dogs take your spot? Have you ever gotten up from your seat and returned to see your pup curled up in your spot? Dogs often steal your seat because they enjoy the scent and warmth you leave behind.

For example, sometimes dogs will roll onto their backs to show that they’re uncomfortable, not that they would like their stomachs rubbed. This is a distance-increasing signal, so we need to change the situation for the dog.  Other signals are less subtle and may occur in situations such as grooming or a vet visit.  Look out for any signs of tension in your dog, which may indicate that they are uncomfortable.  This distance-increasing signal is your dog’s way of asking for the situation to stop. You may just need to give your dog a break.  Dogs can seem friendly at first but can become uncomfortable as we interact with them. To avoid this, only interact for a few seconds and then pause to give your dog a chance to show you how they feel.

Dogs can show fear in many ways. Your dog may hide or carry away from the thing that frightens them, and you should make sure not to approach them when this happens, as this may escalate to more aggressive behaviour. If the scary situation persists, you may see more intense   behaviour occur. This is a distance-increasing signal, so the dog is asking to be given space. If we listen to our dog’s body language, we can try to prevent these situations from occurring. If you experience these issues, we recommend getting the help of a behaviour specialist. You can find advice on our website on how to find the right assistance. Remember, our dogs use their body language to communicate with us, so ask  yourself what your dog is trying to tell you and other people.

Dog is relaxed often times dogs show this tail wagging behavior when they see their owner tail held high and wagging indicates the dog is happy but also alert the dog is cautiously excited but displaying dominance the breadth of each tail sweep and the frequency at which a tail moves adds further meaning to canine communication. this indicates a friendly, happy dog who is not threatening anyone you may have bought them a new treat or maybe you got the leash out for a walk this is the closest to the popular

concept of the happiness wag, especially if the tail seems to drag the hips with it slow reluctant wag, a slow wag with the tail at half mast is less social than most other tale signals generally speaking, slow wags with the tail in neither a particularly submissive nor a dominant position might indicate a dog who is feeling anxious less enthusiastic or insecure quick short wag a slight wag with each swing of only small breath usually happens during greetings when a dog is feeling tentative Very tiny high speed movements that give the impression of the tail vibrating are signs that the dog is about to run fight or attack If the tail is held high while vibrating, it is most likely an active threat it’s important to recognize that different breeds carry their tails at different heights some dogs, like beagles, hold their tails vertically; others, like greyhounds, tuck their tails All tail positions should be read relative to the average and neutral positions where that dog normally holds its tail.


Sit in your spot when they want your attention and hope to cuddle with you when you come back Dogs have a pack mentality, so they enjoy sleeping in warm piles with their family. The number one reason why dogs eat snow more often than not is because they are thirsty Winter brings very dry air and dogs lose a lot of their body moisture through their breath In fact, before dogs were domesticated, their ancestors in colder climates often had to rely on eating snow to hydrate snow eating is an instinctive behavior passed down through genetics and if you If you think your puppybowl still has quite a lot of water left, be aware that the water might not be the freshest after all; newly fallen snow is cleaner and fresher than the water that has been kept in a bowl for some time dogs also nibble on snow because they simply like it snow is soft fluffy and hard to catch and dogs find it fascinating As long as the snow is clean, it’s safe for dogs to eat in limited quantities the danger comes mainly from toxic substances such as antifreeze chemicals that might contaminate the snow

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