If Your Cat Exhibits This Behavior, Call the Vet Immediately

Cats have a tendency to hide their pain, making it difficult to properly care for them when they need it the most But if you know what to look for, you can recognize subtle signs early and get your cat. We will look at the most potentially serious signs that a cat needs help and must be rushed to the vet immediately number 16 dragging hind legs if your cat has always walked normally but suddenly starts dragging their back legs, it could be a sign of a serious problem Cats can sometimes develop blood clots in their bodies. If the clot travels down to the back legs, it can get stuck there and block the blood supply to the hind legs. This can cause the cat to lose control over their back legs.

Signs Your Cat Needs Immediate Veterinary Attention

Owners typically notice heavy breathing along with the inability to move rear limbs properly. It may look as if the cat suddenly has a broken back. You may also see that the paw pads are pale in color and cold to the touch more often than this type of clot. It happens in both of the back legs, but it can also happen in just one of the legs the front legs or even other parts of the body This problem is more common in cats with heart disease it’s very important for every cat owner to know the signs of this condition if it happens to your cat, a vet visit is urgently required (number 15). trying to use the bathroom but nothing comes out. A cat who tries to go potty but isn’t producing anything may have a urinary tract blockage They might sit in the litter box, straining, but still not be able to urinate.

This is a telltale sign of a serious blockage and it could be life-threatening if it’s left untreated Urinary tract blockages are extremely common among neutered male cats; therefore, it’s critical for cat parents to know the signs of the condition If this happens to your pet, a vet visit is urgently required Too many hair balls When cats groom themselves, tiny hook-like structures on their tongue catch loose and dead hair, which is then swallowed The majority of this hair passes through their digestive tract Keep going with no problems, but some hair stays in the stomach and forms a hairball. Oftentimes, your cat will vomit the hairball to get rid of it, but vomiting an occasional hairball isn’t cause for alarm. If your cat is constantly throwing up hairballs, it’s a sign that they have a problem with their digestive system, and a vet visit is necessary. Keep in mind that to help avoid the formation of hairballs, you can brush your cat once a day and add more fiber to their diet.

Coughing: identifying a cat’s cough can be confusing at first It is hard to understand what is happening because the cat looks like she is trying to throw up but isn’t able to do so This is, in fact, a cat who is coughing coughing can be caused by allergies hairballs, and asthma, to name a few of the more minor inflictions It can also be caused by more serious conditions, like heart disease It may be normal for some cats to cough occasionally, but if the cough persists or recurs consistently, a vet visit is necessary change in pupil size cats pupils fluctuate in size and shape based on light and emotion by dilating their pupils cats allow even tiny amounts of light into their eyes so they can see better in the dark during the day Cats contract their pupils depending on how bright they are. Interestingly enough, pupil size can also be an indication of your pet’s mood If the ambient light is normal but your cat’s pupils are dilated, it can imply that your cat is not relaxed or stimulated. Your cat could be stressed, anxious excited or inferior.

Cats also often have dilated pupils during their heat cycle in situations that produce enjoyment, like when they’ve just eaten their favorite food. A cat’s pupils may dilate as a reflex It’s important to remember that some health conditions have dilated pupils as a symptom If there is enough ambient light and no stimuli or stressors, but your cat’s eyes are persistently dilated, then it is time to visit a vet Another thing to keep in mind is that cat pupils should be equal in size; an unequal pupil size is not normal in cats and is a sign of an underlying issue.

Open-mouth breathing generally means you shouldn’t be able to hear or see your cat breathing unless you look and listen very closely If your cat’s breathing seems noisy or is causing their belly to move a lot, this is often a sign of an underlying issue it’s also important to be aware that cats nearly always breathe through their nose If your cat isn’t stressed or tired from exercise but is breathing through their mouth, it’s a sign that a disease process is occurring and a vet visit is necessary.

Increased hiding cats like to hide but if your cat hides more often than usual, it could be a sign that they are in pain pets who suddenly start to hide could be stressed out or have an invisible illness wreaking havoc in their body number nine limping this one is obvious but most people don’t take it as seriously as they should If you come home and notice your cat is suddenly limping, call the vet immediately Even though cats are great jumpers, can easily fall off somewhere and break a limb Early treatment can help fuse the limb back together properly On that note, keep in mind that although cats tend to land on their legs when they fall, it’s not the case that they always land on their feet Never ever hold a cat upside down and then drop them to see if they manage to flip over. Make sure your cat doesn’t have access to open windows.

Vomiting a few times a year or an occasional hair ball is normal; anything more than this indicates your pet could be suffering from some kind of sickness some of the most common causes of vomiting in cats include eating something toxic, a change in diet or more serious problems such as cancer or organ conditions if your cat’s vomiting is frequent, make sure to call your vet number seven not eating or losing appetite is one of the key indicators that something is wrong cats can have a reputation for being picky eaters but you know what is normal for your pet If your cat eats a certain amount of food every day but suddenly stops being as excited about food as they normally are, they may have an undiagnosed health issue a sudden increase in appetite could also be a sign of sickness if a cat who usually doesn’t eat a lot is begging for more and more food, there may be a problem Increased appetite can be due to diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or nutrient malabsorption issues.

Either way, keep in mind that any major appetite changes shouldn’t be ignored If it happens to your cat, make sure to call a vet. six behavioral changes Has your usually outgoing and friendly cat suddenly become aggressive or a shy mess, or if you’re typically happy, has an energetic furball turned into a tired and touchy grouch, or maybe your vocal cat has suddenly stopped speaking? sudden changes in a cat’s behavior are always a cause for concern, no matter which way your cat sways If your feline is doing anything out of the ordinary, call your vet to discuss.

Drinking excessive amounts of water if you notice that your cat seems to be drinking more water than usual, it could be a sign that something is wrong cats in general don’t drink copious amounts of water so it should be fairly easy to notice that their water bowl empties quicker a cat who drinks a lot of water could be suffering from endocrine problems such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. It can also mean potential kidney disease, which usually starts when cats reach an older age but can come on prematurely.

Changes in maintenance habits cats are great at maintaining their appearance; they like nothing more than having a clean, shiny coat and paws that are free of dirt When your cat starts to neglect their grooming routine, it may be time for a checkup your pet could be suffering from a range of ailments that cause fatigue, which would explain their disheveled look or the undoing of their grooming habits a disheveled cat might be missing patches of fur have debris stuck in their fur have dirty ears or have feces stuck to their rear end Stinky breath.

Unusual stinky breath in your cat can be a sign of gum disease or tooth decay. A pet’s teeth are home to hundreds of bacteria and you can minimize the risks by brushing their teeth and scheduling an annual dental cleaning number two unexpected weight gain or weight loss if your feline is suddenly losing or gaining weight for no obvious reason, it’s important to visit a vet cat’s physiology is different from that of humans; a cat’s gain or losing a single pound is roughly comparable to a Humans gain or lose 10 pounds so make sure to pay attention to small variations in your pet’s weight In older cats, weight loss can be normal as they lose muscle mass but extreme changes in weight can be a sign of something serious, like cancer or discolored gums Your cat’s gum appearance can provide important insight into their overall wellness. Normal gum should generally be a bubble gum pink color.

spraying water and yelling making loud noises poking or hitting to correct your cat’s negative behaviors in reality, cats don’t understand the concept of punishments, making them ineffective and damaging Instead, rely on positive reinforcements to encourage your cat’s good behaviors give your cat a treat and praise it heavily whenever it does a behavior that you’d like it to continue in the future. When a cat does something negative, ignore it Your cat will eventually learn to associate good behaviors with rewards and will prioritize those behaviors over bad ones. remove meat from your cat’s diet Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they need a meat-based diet While vegetarian or vegan diets may be sustainable for humans, the same is not true for cats It is incredibly dangerous to remove meat from your cat’s diet, as it will lead to significant health issues and even death The fact of the matter is that meat should be the main component of your cat’s diet and it cannot be substituted number seven feed your cat only dry food; cats need to eat

wet foods to make sure they are getting enough moisture content many cat owners find that their cats don’t enjoy drinking water from a bowl or just don’t drink enough of it throughout the day to make sure they are getting enough hydration opt for a wet food diet or a combination diet of wet and dry cats on dry food only diets can easily make people dehydrated, resulting in symptoms like constipation lethargy, and dry mouth and eyes The best way to remedy dehydration in cats is to give it food with a high water content.

Cat-free feeding is a popular feeding technique among cat owners that involves leaving the cat food bowl out for your cat to nibble on throughout the day However, this can easily lead to your cat overeating and developing an unhealthy medical condition like obesity You should instead feed your cat on a regular basis. If you live a busy lifestyle and struggle to adopt regular feeding times, consider getting an automatic food dispenser for your cat. give your cat bones; unlike dogs, cats should not be given bones to chew

Eating or consuming bones can be very dangerous for cats, as they have trouble digesting them and they may injure their insides if you are feeding your cat fish or meat that is not pre-prepared Ensure that it does not contain any bones If your cat eats bones, it could end up warranting a devastating and expensive trip to the veterinarian. Contrary to popular belief, you should almost never give milk or other Dairy to your cat because their bodies are not equipped to handle it most cats are lactose-intolerant

meaning they have trouble digesting the lactose in milk Sure, your cat might seem to love milk and cheese but Dairy isn’t worth an upset stomach or diarrhea That’s why it’s best to keep your cat on a lactose-free diet However, an exception is goat milk Since raw goat milk is unpasteurized, it’s very rich in lactase, so cats can digest it. Bring certain plants into your house Many common house plants are toxic to cats. health issues and kidney damage, it is often not enough to remove the plants from your cat’s reach, as cats are very good at getting into places where they shouldn’t. That’s why, before bringing any plant into your house, it’s important to make sure that it is safe for cats Research the specific type of plant you are planning on getting and check verified sources like the ASPCA toxic and non-toxic plant lists to make sure that it is safe for your cat.

Let your cat get bored Cats need to be entertained and provided with enough enrichment to prevent them from getting bored keeping your cat engaged is a great way to keep it happy and mentally healthy invest in interactive toys or puzzles cats love to exercise their natural hunting and tracking abilities and there are plenty of ways you can keep them on their toes Increase the difficulty of food puzzle toys and set aside some time every day to play with your cat. It’s a great way to both keep your cat Bally stimulated and strengthen your relationship with your cat, plus most cats need about 30 minutes of exercise per day; why not achieve that with daily Play time?

Shave your cat. Cat s have hair for a reason and it’s never a good idea to shave your cat Cats need their hair to properly regulate their body temperature and stay comfortable in various weather conditions, whether for cosmetic reasons or to prevent shedding Shaving your cat will almost always be harmful, while some medical situations May warrant a shave Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on how to shave your cat in the least harmful way possible; otherwise, it’s best to avoid giving your cat any unnecessary haircuts. Do not brush your cat in the same theme You should never skip brushing your cat All cats, both long-hair and short-haired, need their sebaceous gland stimulated These glands secrete sebum into the hair follicles, which lubricate the skin and hair, keeping their fur shiny and healthy You also want to brush to prevent knots, which can hurt a cat if it get close to the skin Regular brushing also prevents

Hair balls and dander and gives you an opportunity to inspect for fleas as a general guideline short-haired cats should be brushed about once a week, medium-haired cats several times a week and long-haired cats daily number 15 Bathe your cat Bads can can be quite traumatizing for cats and they should almost always be avoided Thankfully, cats are great at cleaning themselves Our feline friends put a lot of time into grooming their coats, so they typically don’t need help keeping them clean, plus, if necessary, there are other ways to keep them clean.

Your cat is clean, that does not involve bathing them For example, you can use cat-safe wipes, as discussed earlier Regularly brushing your cat will also help keep its fur clean You should only bathe your cat in extenuating circumstances, like if it’s unable to groom itself or if it is extremely dirty. leave your cat alone for long periods of time While cats are naturally independent animals, they should not be left alone for extended periods of time. Ideally, your cat should not be alone for more than 8 to 10 hours at a time.

Do not leave your cat on its own for more than 24 hours If you’re going out of town or will be out of the house for more than 24 hours, it is not sufficient to leave out food and water for your cat. Cats need company and attention, and they should always have someone looking out for them, even if you aren’t available number 17 leave windows and doors open Cats are naturally curious animals and they’re also very stealthy These two traits in tandem mean that cats are excellent Escape artists if you provide

If you give your cat an opportunity to make a quick dash out of the house, it will more than likely take it open windows and doors are practically begging your cat to go explore Cats have even been known to push screens out of Windows to go investigate a bird’s nest or squirrel For your cat’s safety, it’s best to never leave your cat around open windows or doors unsupervised, especially when you are not home. If you ignore changes in behavior, cats will often show pain or illness in subtle ways If you notice changes in your cat’s usual Behavior or

routines such as excessive hiding lethargy or anxiety be sure to take your cat to the veterinarian It is important to take note of changes in your cat’s behavior, as they could be indicative of underlying health conditions or may be a sign of pain. put off trips to the vet it can be easy to put off checkups and annual visits to your veterinarian, especially if your cat is seemingly healthy However, it is important to take your feline friend to the vet at least once once a year to ensure that your cat is healthy and

Many health conditions are not always visible and only a trained professional will be able to pick up, so it is important to get your feline friend regularly checked out The last thing you want is for a health condition to go unchecked and spiral out of control number 20: skip heartworm and flea treatments if you have an indoor cat, you may be tempted to skip out on heartworm or flea treatments for your cat under the belief that your cat can’t come into contact with those illnesses while indoors However, this is a common misconception fleas or ticks can easily enter your home on your clothes or shoes, as can heartworm carrying mosquitoes through windows or doors it is always best to be safe rather than sorry and take preventative measures to protect your cat from fleas and parasites number 21: give your cat non-cat medications you should never give your cat medications that aren’t specifically designed for cats While it can seem like a good idea to give your cat or your dogs flea medications or over-the-counter painkillers, it can be extremely harmful


to your cat’s Health many dog and human medications contain ingredients that are lethal to cats Administering non-cat-specific medications could be deadly and it should always be avoided Now that we’ve gone through the list, it’s time for cat of the week. I was so sad that a person I had worked for said she found a small black kitten in the engine of her car and if I wanted him, she would bring


When pressed with your finger, the gum should lighten to a pale pink or white color and when you take your finger off, they should return to the normal pink color within two seconds pale gums that lack color are usually a sign of blood loss or poor circulation this is because gums get their bubble gum pink color from blood flowing beneath the surface; bluish gums can indicate a life-threatening lack of oxygen bright red gums could be a sign of toxicity or overheating but it can also indicate a dental issue if the redness is right above the teeth Yellow gums often indicate organ problems such as liver disease.

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